Bank of Baroda SMS Codes for Banking on Hands

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by: Admin

Avail services of BOB SMS Banking with new Bank of Baroda SMS Banking codes. Just check the list of services, SMS codes and services offering with the detailed procedure of SMS Banking…

Bank of Baroda is an Indian Public sector Bank which is quite spread in all states. It covers the customer for all urban and rural areas, having provided all kinds of banking services. SMS banking services is one kind of service which has been initiated by Bank of Baroda to ease the process of balance checking, last transaction enquiry or similar updates without accessing online websites.

Bank of Baroda

These SMS services do help a customer to save their time and get the update of their Bank of Baroda account instantly. Bank does ask the customer to register their mobile number with the bank and ensure to opt for SMS banking option for this service.

NameBank of Baroda
Toll Free Numbers18002584455, 18001024455
Balance Enquiry number8468001111

List of Services in SMS Banking

These are some inquiries that customers can get through using the Bank of Baroda SMS service instantly to their registered mobile number. It must be noted that the SMS must be sent to the registered number only to get the update from Bank of Baroda, by using the respective Bank of Baroda SMS code.

  • Balance Enquiry
  • Debit card or Credit Block
  • Account Lock or unlock
  • Mini Statement record

Bank of Baroda SMS Codes & Service offering

SMS Syntax (SMS text to 8422009988)Service OfferedExample
BAL<Last 4 digit account Number>
Balance EnquiryBAL 5678
(If account Number is 12345678)
MINI<Last 4 digit of account No>Mini StatementMIN 5678
(If account Number is 12345678)
REG<Last 4 digit of account no>Registratiom Of Prefered account number – If More than one account is linked with Same Mobile Number and Customer want  to avail Mini Statement Service through missed call serviceREG 5678
CHEQ<Last 4 digit of account Number><Cheque No>
Cheque Status CHEQ 5678 242526 (Ex : If account Number is 12345678 and cheque number is 242526 type Cheq 5678)
DEACT<Last 4 digit of account no>Un- Subscribing SMS alert facilityDEACT 5678
ACT<Last 4 digit of account Number>
Subscribing SMS alert facility (for A/c where Customer had unsubscribed the facility eariler)ACT 5678 (Ex : If account No is 12345678 type ACT 5678)

Procedure for BOB SMS Banking

The interface of Bank of Baroda SMS service confirms the last four digits of the account number sent in message text with the account number linked with the mobile number. Only after proper verification and the information in respect to the code will be sent through return SMS.

The response time will be quick and an instant message will be delivered to the customer with the information they require. Bank of Baroda SMS services is a chargeable call, as the customer who opt for this service has to send an SMS to the registered mobile number of the bank. The transaction cost will be charged by your network provider and it is not directly linked with the banking system.

Do I need to register for the Bank of Baroda SMS Service?

Yes, a customer of Bank of Baroda who holds an active savings or salary account or any type of account has to register for SMS service by submitting the SMS registration form. These services are chargeable and customers should always maintain a common balance to send an SMS.

Can I opt out for Bank of Baroda SMS Service?

The customer has the right to opt in or opt out for the services they were offered by the bank. Customer has to submit the Application form to stop the SMS service, which will stop the service and you will not be able to receive any updates further.

Can I transfer funds through the Bank of Baroda SMS service?

No, the SMS service form Bank of Baroda is only to get updates of the account or block the card in case of emergency. The financial transaction must be processed only through internet banking or mobile banking or visiting the Bank branch.

Disclaimer: Above the above published information is only for reference purpose. For any changes in the content, we refer to visit the concerned official website, and we are not responsible for anything.

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