Avail the exclusive benefits of Dicks Sporting Goods credit card by applying for it through online. Learn how to create an account for Dicks credit card new login, card applying and also to reset forgot password followed by guide for card payments.
Dicks Credit Card
It is a type of sports goods credit card and it offers new card holders. In this article you should gain complete knowledge about Dicks Sporting Goods credit card. Go on head until end.
You should learn total requirements like how to create an account and login, forgot and reset password and how to make payment and it its types.
How to Create an Account in Dicks Sporting Goods Credit Card
For applying Dicks credit card to create an account is primary process. Given below there is complete process to create an account in step-by-step process with detail information. Go on head.
- Go to the official website of dicks credit card at dickssportinggoods.com
- select the “create account” option on the page
- Provide the required details like your email address and password
- Tap on the “create account” button on the page
Note: please read the terms and conditions provided from dicks credit card before tap on create account.
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In this way you should create a new account in dicks credit card.

Dicks Credit Card Login
Once you are creating an account in dicks credit card, it is mainly used for log in by using your account. Given below there is a complete information for how to login in step by step with detailed manner.
- Visit the official website of dicks credit card login from dickssportinggoods.com
- Tap on “sign in/login” option on the page
- Enter the required details like your email address and password
- Select the “sign in” option at the bottom of the page
Note: you mustn’t should provide the required details that you provided at the time of create an account.
In this way you should login in simple way by following the above steps.
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What are the requirements for this login process?
If you want to login in dicks credit card, then you will require some requirements. They are:
- Best and secured network connection
- Secured user account
- Valid username and password
Give some suggestions for secure login?
You are following some best tips to maintain your account without any crisis. They are:
- Please remember you are login in your personal devices.
- Can’t share your username and password with others
- Don’t sign out the account if you can sign out that your session will be ended from your device and account.
Dicks Sporting Goods Credit Card Account Forgot and Reset Password
Sometimes as per requirement you want to reset your password and there may be a chance to forget password. At that time, you will follow the given information with step by step. Go on head.
- Go to the login page in dicks credit card by using dickssportinggoods.com
- Tap on the “forgot password” option at the bottom of login process
- Provide your email address at the given empty box
- Press on “continue” button for going further process
- Just follow the instructions given from that process to reset and forgot password
In this way you should reset and getting new password at the time of forgotten.
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How to Apply Dicks Sporting Goods Credit Card Online
Here, there is an information which is required for applying dicks credit card through online with complete and detailed information in step-by-step process.
- Visit the official website of dicks score rewards credit card login from https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/s/scorecard/scorerewards-credit-card
- Select the Apply now option on that home page
- Enter the required details like email address, score card number, and other required details
Note: If you don’t know your score card number, then you will generate that score card account. - Click your credit card and tap on continue button
Note: Before tap on continue button, you will read the given terms and conditions. Tick the “I Agree” option. - After click the continue option, you will get the approved notification from dicks credit card.
Note: That approved notification is not in our hands, sometimes you need to wait for at least 1 to 2 business days.
By following above steps, you will simply apply the dicks credit card through online.
How Can I Create My Dicks Score Card Account
Here there are some steps, by using these steps you can create your score card account through online.
- Go to score card rewards.com official website
- Click on create new account
- Go through the given instructions from that site
- Enter required details
- Tap on submit option button
Finally, in this way you can create score card account by using above steps.
Eligibility for Getting Dicks Credit Card
There are some requirements for getting dicks credit card. Some requirements are given below. Please mind it at the time of apply.
- You are must be a US citizen
- You should have proper earning source
- Your CIBIL score is above 630, it gives good affection etc.
How many types of credit cards offered by dicks? What are they?
Two types of credit card offered by dicks credit card. They are Dick’s sporting goods credit card and Dicks MasterCard Debit card.
It is possible to check our dicks credit card Application status?
Yes, it is possible to check your credit card status, by the help of Dicks customer care service.
Dicks Credit Card Payments
Dicks credit card payments is directed to the action of doing payment towards the excellent balance on your credit card. In the given below there is a detailed explanation for making payments in dicks credit card.
Mainly, dicks credit card payment done through different ways like through online website, through mobile phone.
Through online website:
This is common for maximum payment methods. It is simple done by yourself without need anyone help. By following these steps with clear information.
- Visit the dicks credit card official website at https://dsg.syf.com/accounts/login/
- login to your dicks credit card account
- select the payment mode by giving options
- provide the required payment details like payment amount and mention the payment date
- Tap on “pay now” button at the page
- Then, you will receive notification for the conformation payment.
Tips: please keep that confirmation receipt at yours for your own good.
Through mobile phone
This is another way for making payment in dicks credit card, it is easiest way compared to other type pf making payments. In the given there is detail explanation for this way in step by step.
- Make a phone call to the customer service care by using 1 877-846-9997
- Please provide your required details like account number
- Select the making payment option
- Provide the amount you wish to pay and other payment details
- Conform it to pay
- Then, you will receive a conformation notification and once you check your details
- Follow through that notification
By using above steps, you will complete your payment process through making phone call.
Conclusion: These two ways are mostly used for making payment in dicks credit card in simple way.
Is there any extra fee at the time of making payment?
NO, if you are making payment as per time to time, there is not required to paying any extra fee at the time of making payment.
It is possible to use my rewards at the time of making payment?
Yes, it is possible to use your rewards at the time of pay your dicks credit card balance.
Can I use automatic pay for dicks credit card?
Yes, it is available option for pay your dicks credit balance automatically as per term to term.
Are there any benefits provided from dicks credit card? What are they?
Yes, Dicks Sporting Goods credit card provided many benefits for their customers. They are given in detailly with one by one.
- No annual fee
- Giving rewards at some particular special days
- They are giving promotional financing offers
- Availability of funds
- It is more secured etc.