Avail Services with City Union Bank SMS codes by just sitting at home any time to CUB SMS banking. Just check the list of services offering and their SMS codes to be sent…
City Union Bank is one of the oldest and trusted banks which has its branch all over India. Being a small size bank with a great number of customers, the Bank does provide various services to customers for their ease. Net banking and Mobile Banking is one of the major services which the City Union Bank provides to their customers.
As well there comes the SMS banking service which is also provided to City Union Bank account holding customers, to check their account information without actually using the internet connection. The internet is a major way to communicate with online banking but now the City Union Bank SMS service allows you to get much information about the account with simple text SMS.
Name | City Union Bank |
Official Site | cityunionbank.com |
Toll free number | 044 7122 5000 |
Balance Enquiry number | 9278177444 |
There is a fixed number which must be saved by the customer to get the response form City Union Bank for the SMS codes sent. There are different SMS codes from City Union Bank, as each code brings a response from your bank account as per your query.
The account balance check, mini statement and other types of information have their different City Union Bank SMS codes. This service is much used when you’re on a way to block your lost card, as simple one text SMS will block your card which does take more if you use Net banking or customer service. 25penny will provide the latest City Union Bank SMS codes as below.

CUB SMS Banking Codes List
Service | SMS Syntax ( SMS sent to 9281056789) |
Balance Enquiry | BAL (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (Mpin) |
List of Last five transactions | TXN (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (Mpin) |
Mpin Changing | PIN (cust. id) (old Mpin) (New Mpin) |
Stop Cheque Payment | STP (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (Chq. no.) (Mpin) |
Revoke Stop payment | REV (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (Chq. no.) (Mpin) |
SMS Banking Help | HELP (cust. id) (Mpin) |
To change default account number | ACC (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (Mpin) |
Account Statement Request | AST (cust. id) (acc. type) (acc. no.) (starting date) (ending date) (Mpin) |
*Provide space between keywords dont use brackets in real message
Can I get a credit card outstanding balance form City Union Bank SMS Codes?
The customer has their credit card linked with the Primary account number, then there are defined codes which should be sent from the registered mobile. The information with respect to the code will be sent to the customer as a response to their number.
Is City Union Bank SMS Banking Service Chargeable?
The SMS banking service is similar to the Net banking and Mobile Banking’s service, which is provided for free. This service is to give an open hand for customers to get connected with their account in case they don’t have an internet connection. Banks don’t charge for any service they offer to customers irrespective of terms.
How can I register my mobile number with City Union Bank?
The customer has to locate the nearest City Union Bank Branch and submit the registration form to link the mobile number with your account. As well the customer has to choose Net Banking, SMS banking and other services which are listed in application.