BSNL Speed Test & Process to Improve Internet Speed

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by: Admin

Check your Internet speed of BSNL WiFi connection and as well as mobile connection and Just know the simple guide for How to perform BSNL Speed test and the fabulous websites used for it…

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited mobile connection has advanced to 4G while the Wi-Fi connection service is serving customers at 300mb/s but surely everyone might want to check how fast BSNL actually is.

BSNL Speed Test

And if you are one such customer who wants to check the BSNL Fiber speed test, then you are not wrong because sometimes the speed differs based on your locations and region as well. If you getting any problem while uploading and downloading then perfectly we can say there is a problem in your Internet. You can use any of the below websites which run with just a hit of a button to help you find out your BSNL speed.

You can either be on your mobile to test the BSNL mobile internet speed or else on desktop or laptop to check the FTTH and DSL speed test as well.Otherwise you can also use BSNL Broadband test tool for checking the BSNL speed.

BSNL Speed Test
BSNL Speed Test

Process for Improving BSNL Internet speed

If you are facing any problem regarding low internet speed then you try any effective method for getting high internet speed based on your requirement. Some of the methods are listed below to raise from low internet speed to high internet speed. BSNL Speed test increase your internet by using some methods.

  • Clear cache data in your device
  • Usage of internet in your device should be reduced
  • Check your Router device settings
  • Modem must be restart
  • The distance between the router and device should be less.

Is BSNL 4G fast?

BSNL 4G is the fastest internet connection for BSNL mobile connections as of now.

How can I check my Mbps speed in BSNL?

You can check your BSNL speed test in MBPS on

What is the Download speed of the BSNL ?

The download speed test shows the download speed of the BSNL is in between 1-8 Mbps

What is the Upload speed for BSNL Internet?

The Upload speed test shows the Upload speed for BSNL internet is higher than 1-8Mbps

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