Old Navy Credit Card Login for Payment

The Old Navy Credit Card is a rewards credit card with new login that provides numerous advantages to its users like you. These perks encompass rewards on purchases, complimentary shipping, and protection against fraud liability.

Nevertheless, like with any credit card, you might want to know about the common queries related to activities such as logging in, making payments, and regaining lost usernames or passwords.

This article discusses the queries relating to Old Navy credit card login, payment methods and ways to reach customer service for support to help you further make the best use of this credit card.

Old Navy Credit Card Login

Old Navy Credit Card Login

We know credit cards are useful to purchase goods and useful items can be brought by using a credit, coming to old navy credit card, we can receive the reward points and it can be utilized for getting more exciting products.

How to retrieve the User ID of old navy credit card

Here are the simple steps to obtain the user id of old navy credit card

  1. Go to page of old navy credit card or visit official website of old navy credit card oldnavy.syc.com
  2. Navigate to login page and tap the option of retrieval of user id or forget User Id option
  3. It redirects to the page of User ID page and Enter Primary account number
  4. Provide the zip code in the field of Zip code
  5. Tap the continue option for the further process

Follow the instructions prompt on the page to retrieve the User ID successfully.

What happens if we don’t have an Old Navy Credit card?

It is not a problem for not having an account in old navy, we can apply the new credit card in Old Navy, through a simple process go to old navy website and tap the credit card option which is available in the home page and click on the apply now option and fill your details in the application form in their respective fields and tap submit application.

What are the benefits of having an old navy credit card?

By using old navy credit card, we can earn reward points which is useful for purchasing the items at low cost and it provides free shipping policy on our products and more you can use the old navy credit card for receiving more discounts and offers on your Favorite products.

Can I reach customer service through mobile and ways to contact customer care?

Yes, you can reach the customer service through your mobile and check the contact number of customer service of old navy (1-800-653-6289), you have different ways to contact customer service through a chat link and also through Email, the chat link of old navy is https://oldnavy.gap.com/customerService/info.do?cid=83044 and Email address of old navy is https://www.gapinc.com/en-us/contact-us

How to Recover the Forget Password for Old Navy Credit Card

It is simple process to recover your password to login in old navy credit card and check the below mentioned procedure

  1. Visit the official website of old Navy credit card oldnavy.syc.com
  2. Click on it and it navigate to login page of old Navy credit card page
  3. Tap the forget password option which is available below option of secure login
  4. It is a three-step process, in first step, Enter your User ID
  5. Type the Zip code in the field of zip code
  6. Tap the continue option, then it navigates to password page
  7. Provide your new password and confirm it by clicking continue option
  8. In third step, enter your user id and newly reset password
  9. Click on login option, then the process is completed successfully and navigates to old navy page.

If we didn’t have access to our email address in the old navy then how can we reset our password?

Yes, you can reset your password, but it is important to have access to your email address if not contact the customer service of old navy, then they will identify your details and provided identity and they sends you the access to reset your password through a link.

How to Register to Old Navy Synchrony Account

The simple method to register the old navy synchrony account by following a two-step process

  1. Visit the official website of old navy and navigate to login page
  2. Click on register option which is available at below of secure login
  3. Enter the Account number and billing Zip code
  4. Click on the continue option and follow the steps prompted on your screen to complete the procedure.

How to Activate Old Navy Credit Card

Check the easy steps to activate an old navy credit card to access all features of credit card as purchasing and receiving of rewards after payment transactions.

  1. Go to official website of old navy credit card and login to your account
  2. Enter your User ID and Password then tap secure login option
  3. You will find the option of Activate Card on your screen after login is done
  4. Provide your 16-digit credit card number and also enter the security pin which you are generated for your credit card
  5. Through this method you can easily activate your old navy credit card.

How can I manage my old navy credit card account?

You can manage your old navy credit card account through a mobile app of old navy, and you can access to view your account balance and payment statements and your transactions history of your payments.

How to view Old Navy Credit Card Statement

The simple steps are mentioned to view old navy credit card statement with using official website

  1. Navigate to login page and enter your User ID and password
  2. In the accounts manage menu you will find the statements option
  3. Otherwise, you need to wait for a month to receive your payment statements through your mail
  4. For downloading statement, we need to follow the instructions prompted on screen after signing in or login.

How to Apply Old Navy Rewards Mastercard

Here is the simple method to apply old navy rewards MasterCard and you can enjoy the benefits of Mastercard by receiving the best reward.

  1. Go to the official website of the old navy https://www.applyoldnavycard.com
  2. Taps Apply now option to start the process
  3. Provide your personal information which you need to enter your name, address, you’re working mobile number and your security number
  4. Enter information about your income and your employment details
  5. Checkout your application to verify your details and if it is correct then tap submit option
  6. Through mobile also we can apply old navy rewards MasterCard
  7. You need to consult the customer care to apply for old navy rewards MasterCard
  8. Customer care number 1-800-886-9710 and call to it
  9. Request the customer representative to apply for old navy rewards MasterCard
  10. Provide your information to customer service, the information such as name, address, mobile number and email address and security pin number and many more.

Note: the applicant should have the age more than 18 years to apply, and you should provide a verified income certificate.

Is the old navy rewards MasterCard applicable for international purchases and transactions also?

Yes, the Mastercard is applicable throughout the world and the merchants also excited to have transactions with old navy MasterCard because it provides the reward points for each transaction.

Old Navy Credit Card Payment Guide

If you are someone who prefers to have different methods available to make Old Navy credit card payment then you can follow the multiple guides mentioned below.

Old Navy Credit Card Online Payment

  1. Open the Old Navy Credit Card website from here https://oldnavy.syf.com/login
  2. Sign in to your account, by entering your User ID and Password under Access Your Account section
  3. Once logged into your account, click on the “Payments” tab.
  4. Enter the desired payment amount and payment date.

Also read>>> Jared Credit Card

Old Navy – Navyist Rewards Credit Card Payment By Phone

Do you prefer communication on the phone to pay your credit card bills? Then you would surely like the steps below to make Old navy credit card payment by phone.

  • Contact the Old Navy Credit Card customer service number at 1-800-OLD-NAVY (1-800-653-6289).
  • A customer service representative will guide you through the payment process.

Old Navy Credit Card Payment By Mail

In order to make your Old Navy credit card payment by Mail, ensure that you attach the billing statement for the amount you are paying and then send the mail to the below address.

P.O. Box 659728, San Antonio, TX 78265-9728, Old Navy Credit Card Customer Care

What is the customer service number for the Old Navy Credit Card?

The customer service number for the Old Navy Credit Card is 1-800-OLD-NAVY (1-800-653-6289).

When should I make my Old Navy Credit Card payment?

You should make your Old Navy Credit Card payment by the 25th of each month. If the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, your payment will be due on the following business day.

How much are the late payment charges for my Old Navy Credit Card account?

For your Old Navy Credit Card account, the late payment fee is $29. If your payment is overdue by more than 60 days, an additional late payment fee of $39 will be applied.