How does a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Works

Have you recently purchased a new robot vacuum cleaner or want to buy a new one and excited to know How does it works.

You came to correct place where you will get all the complete details of Robot Vacuum Cleaner and it’s working. Through this article, we will discuss the complete work of it followed by its advantages of robot vacuum cleaners.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Works
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Works

Robot vacuum Cleaner is a robotic vacuum that cleans your entire house without your involvement. This robot itself navigate the house and maps it and stores the information. It is based on AI technology.

Then it performs cleaning based on that mapping and use wide variety of sensors for mapping, cleaning, escaping from obstacles and many more. It vacuums the floor and store the dirt and debris in the in-built dustbin.

You have to clean the dustbin once it filled or some high-end models offers auto-disbursed system too that makes you to reduce your efforts. Not only auto-disbursal but also offers auto charging mode.

Also Read: Sensors Available to Help Your Robot Vacuum Cleaner

How does Robot Vacuum Cleaner Works

After purchasing robot vacuum cleaner, you need to navigate your entire home using the robot. There are different navigation technologies available like Camera Based, LiDAR based and Gyroscope or Accelerometer based to map your house.

After successful navigation, it stores the direction and position of objects in the house. Some sensors helps it to perform more better by helping to avoid obstacles, dropping from stairs, cleaning the floor along the wall edges and many more.

During cleaning, it picks up the dirt and debris and stores in dustbin. You have to clean it once it filled completely. As we already discussed, some models contain auto-disburse feature.

If the robot runs out of charge during cleaning, it return back to base station and recharge completely and then start cleaning where it left off. But this feature is present in premium models.

Also Read: Different Control Types of Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Not only vacuuming but some robot vacuums provides 2 in 1 mode that able to mop the floor also. As like we control the suction power while vacuuming, you can control water level during mopping too.

You can control your robot through variable control method available like remote control, through mobile app and Voice control also. But make sure that specifications of robot vacuum completely depends on it’s model and working also varies according to this.

Advantages of Robot Vacuum Cleaner

There are lot of advantages by using robot vacuum cleaner as it saves your lot of time and effort. Not only this, follow some more benefits of using this:

  • Clean under the Furniture and Tables
    • As Robot vacuums are very slimmest and compatible in size, so it easily goes under any furniture and tables. It makes robot easy to clean every corner of the house efficiently and in this case it beats humans too.
  • Contains HEPA Filters
    • Most of the robot vacuums contains HEPA(High-Efficiency Particulate Air) which traps the dust and dirt more accurately. This traps pollen, allergens and many airborne particles from the floor. So it is very helpful for the one who suffers from air allergy.
  • Robot Vacuum not only sweep your floor but also some models mop the floor also.
  • It is quiet and slimmest to use in home under any situation.

What are the factors to keep in mind before purchasing robot vacuum cleaner ?

You have to buy a robot vacuum according to your budget, floor type, house area, special features, filter type and many more. But the points we discuss are much more important to keep in mind before buying the product.

How many days frequently I have to clean my robot vacuum cleaner ?

It is suggestible to clean your robot once in a week, mainly the in-built dustbin. Then you have to clean filter once in a month. This provides a very clean environment in your house and avoids spreading extra dirt and allergens into the air.