Basic Equipment Received on Purchasing Robotic Vacuum cleaner

If you are planning to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner or just purchased it and looking for the basic equipment that you have to receive while purchasing it.

Here know detailed information on the basic equipment you will get or mandatory to buy to use robotic vacuum cleaner perfectly without any error at home.

Basic Equipment you Receive while Purchasing

Mostly you will get this tools and appliances while purchasing robot vacuum cleaner, but some of the extra equipment may vary from one brand to other. So lets have a look on most common items below:

Basic Equipment Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
Basic Equipment

Charging dock: It is the tool that robotic vacuum cleaner uses to recharge it’s battery. Mostly it contains a magnetic strip that helps cleaner to fix the dock in the exact place.

Remote control: To control your cleaner, you will get a remote. But it is optional as not all robotic vacuum cleaners have control type of remote.

Main Brush: It is the brush that used to clean the floor majorly while vacuuming the house. It is made up of bristles or rubber

Extra Side brushes: This brushes used to clean the dust and debris along with the edges of wall

Self empty base: Self emptying base is a docking station of robotic vacuum cleaner that mainly used to clear or empty the dust from the dustbin into the large disposable dust collection bag by itself without using human efforts. You will replace the bag if it completely filled by dust which makes the work more easy and convenient.

Dustbin: It is the container which stores the dust and debris that cleaned by robotic vacuum cleaner. It presents at the bottom of the cleaner and contains a door like structure to empty it if it fills completely.

Filter: Filters are used to catch the dirt, dust or any allergens while expelled back into the air. It filters out the dirt and makes air quality better. Mainly there are two types of filters like HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) and Foam filter.

Water Tank: Water tank of robot vacuum cleaner is a container that stores water which used for mopping. It presents at bottom of the cleaner and connects with mopping pad. If cleaner is in mopping mode, it spells water on the mopping pad for mopping as cleaner starts to move.

Dust collection bag: As we already discussed, it is a large disposal bag used to fill the dirt, dust and debris from the dustbin if it filled completely.

Mop pad: Mop pad of robotic vacuum cleaner is a reusable and disposable cloth that used to mop the floor. Basically it made up of microfiber and present at bottom of cleaner. When cleaner is mopping your floor, a small amount of water spells into it and it cleans the floor using that mop pad across the floor.

Cleaning tool: Cleaning tools are nothing but the one that helps robot vacuum cleaner to clean the house. Generally, Main brushes, side brushes, dustbin and filters are said to be cleaning tools.

Batteries (optional): As robotic vacuum cleaners are rechargeable, yet it contains batteries involved in it. Most common battery used in cleaners, made up of Lithium.

User Manual: It is a small booklet or guide that contains all set of instructions to follow while using robotic vacuum cleaner. It contains Safety instructions, Setup instructions, Operation instructions and maintenance instructions to follow for maintaining cleaner in a good condition.

Additional Tools Received on Purchasing Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Virtual Wall Barrier: This is an electronic device that controls the movement of robotic vacuum cleaner. It sets the virtual walls to restrict the cleaner to go or clean in that area. This mostly contains pet areas, stairs, tables or simply you can set the place you want.

Magnetic Strip: It is used to place the cleaner in correct place with the charging cord while it is in charging.

Mop Pad holder: Mop Pad holder is a plastic extension that used to hold the mop pad in it’s place. Hence it presents at the bottom of the cleaner mainly with water tank which helps it to be moist always.

Multi-surface floor cleaner: It is a cleaning solution that used on variety types of floor surfaces that helps while mopping the floors. It generally works on hardwood, tiles and laminate surfaces. This solutions have packaged with the cleaner and stored in water tank and it spells on to the mop pad while cleaner is in mopping mode.

Filter Sponges: Filter sponges are the foam materials that used to trap small material of dust and debris while it mopping the floor. These sponge generally locates in the dustbin and you have to clean it in regular interval of time.

Cleaning hook: Cleaning hook is a small curved plastic tool that used to clean the bristles of robotic vacuum cleaner. It inserted in the bristles and rotated to remove dirt, dust and debris from cleaner. Mostly cleaning hook will be provided with robotic vacuum cleaner while purchasing but in other case, you can buy it separately.