Ancient medical Practitioners diagnosed disease by observing tongue. Even now this is the practice used by medical practitioners to first start where to find the problem in human body.
Tongue provides information about every system in the body. Tongue is a muscle covered with mucous membrane and contains papillae which are also called taste buds provides taste.
Different color on tongue indicates different diseases in body. In same way different coating on tongue and shape changes in tongue also indicates signs of some diseases.
Tongue Color
1.A healthy tongue is in Pink color.
2.Red tongue indicate heat in the body like a fever or hormone imbalance.
Tongue Color
3.Reddish purple tongue indicates there may be inflammation or an infection in the body.
4.Pale pink tongue may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, a weak immune system or a lack of energy.
Coating on Tongue
1..Thick coating indicates poor intestinal health or digestive issues.
2.Yellowish coating indicates there may be an infection in the body.
Coating on Tongue
3.Gray or blackish coating indicates a long term digestive disorder or that something may be very wrong with your body’s health.
Coating on Tongue
4.Thick white coating means there may be poor circulation to the extremities or possibly a yeast infection.
Shape of Tongue
1.If the tongue is puffy with scalloped edges or indented teeth marks it may indicate malabsorption of nutrients.
Shape of Tongue
2. A very thin tongue indicates sign of dehydration.